Burkart Lingner
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Name Burkart Lingner
Date of birth 12/01/1981
Place of birth Göttingen, Germany
Nationality German


09/2004 - 02/2010 Academic studies Electrical Engineering / Computer Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule) Aalen, Germany
Qualification Diplom-Ingenieur (Fachhochschule) Elektrotechnik
Grade final examination (Diplom) 1.9 (good)
Grade intermediate examination (Vordiplom) 1.7 (good)
10/2001 - 09/2004 Academic studies Mechatronics at the University Magdeburg, Germany
09/1994 - 06/2001 7th - 13th grade at the Felix-Klein-Gymnasium (high school) Göttingen, Germany
Grade Abitur 2.8 (satisfactory)


07/2009 - 01/2010 Degree dissertation "Analysis of a Sensor Platform for Inertial Navigation"
Grade 1.0 (very good)
  • Allan variance, analysis in frequency and time domain
  • Sensor errors, noise
  • Inertial and satellite navigation
  • Kalman-Filter, Sensor fusion
08/2008 - 10/2008 Research paper "Design of a Receiver Software for Digital Radio Mondiale"
Grade 2.0 (good)
  • Software Defined Radio
  • Baseband processing
  • OFDM demodulation
  • Convolution codes, Viterbi decoder
  • Programmed in C
10/2007 - 03/2008 Industrial placement in the field of microchip design
Suggested, implemented und evaluated measures to increase the performance of an existing microcontroller CPU
Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe, Langen, Germany
  • CPU architecture: Pipeline, Bus connection, caching, jump prediction
  • Benchmarking: EEMBC, Dhrystone, instruction level
  • EDA tools on Unix
  • Verilog, Unix make, Perl, tcl, C
10/2005 - 03/2006 Industrial placement in the field of device development
Independently developed hardware and software for a customer
Dikon Entwicklungs- und Produktions GmbH, Göttingen, Germany
  • Circuit design: Microcontroller, sensor connection, galvanic isolation, power supply 230 V
  • Schematic und PCB layout using Protel99SE
  • Prototype assembly and test
  • Microcontroller programming in C: Sensor data processing, actor control, closed-loop temperature control, graphic display control, user interface
  • Regular consultations with the client
03/2004 Four-week internship in the field of metal working
Sartorius AG, Göttingen, Germany
  • Precision manufacturing using CNC
  • Measurement of parts
  • Quality assurance
09/2003 - 10/2003 Four-week internship in the field of electronics manufacturing
Dikon Entwicklungs- und Produktions GmbH, Göttingen, Germany
  • Circuit board assembly of conventional leaded and SMD parts
  • Laboratory test and troublehooting
  • Device assembly


02/2002 - 03/2002 Jugend forscht (youth researches): Group project "Mobile Internet Access for Graphing Calculators"
1st place in the category engineering at the regional competition Braunschweig
2nd place in the category engineering at the state competition Niedersachsen
Special prize of the Eduard-Rhein-Stiftung at the state competition
  • Design of the radio transmission protocols on all layers above the physical layer
  • Programming the calculators using Z80 assembly
  • Microcontroller programming using 8051 assembly
  • Cooperation with the 2 teammates
  • Participation in writing the project report
  • English project documentation on the Internet
03/2001 Jugend forscht (youth researches): Group project "Radio communication between personal computer and calculator"
1st place in the category engineering at the regional competition Braunschweig
  • Design of an asynchronous transmission protocol
  • Calculator programming using Z80 assembly
  • Participation in writing the project report

Voluntary work

06/1998 - 06/2001 Leading position during construction and maintenance of my school's website
  • Web design, graphic editing, CGI programming, content generation
  • Coordinating a team of about 10 students
  • Contact person towards the school administration
  • Public relations, i.e. at school conferences and at the open day of the school
  • HTML, CSS, Perl
11/2004 - 08/2005 Student member at the Studienkommission (committee of study affairs) at the University of Applied Sciences Aalen, department Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Preparation the evaluation of the degree program Electrical Engineering and representation towards the evaluators
  • Advisory function during the implementation of the Bachelor degree program



German Native language
Englisch Very good written and oral command
French Basic knowledge

Programming languages

C Very good, in use since 2001
Assembler (diverse) Very good, in use since 1997
C++ Good, in use since 2001
MATLAB Good, in use since 2009
Perl Good, in use since 1998
JavaScript Good, in use since 1998
Pascal Good, in use since 1996
Basic Good, in use since 1994
Java Basic knowledge

Hardware description languages

Verilog Good, in use since 2007
VHDL Good, in use since 2007


Circuit design, digital Good, in use since 2000
Circuit design, analog Basic knowledge, in use since 2002
PCB design Good, in use since 2001
Chip design at RTL Good, in use since 2007
Digital signal processing Good, in use since 2007


Windows Very good, in use since 1995
Linux Good, in use since 1999
Office Software Very good, in use since 1995
LaTeX Good, in use since 2009